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6 Ways Our Culture Helps Us Evolve

Three years ago we made an important decision about our company culture. Today, our beliefs & values are fundamental to our growth

In eloomi, we welcome new colleagues every month. Our focus on constantly developing people and growing the business made us take a decision from the very beginning of our company three years ago. We want a culture that holds the best of modern worklife. Not only to reinforce who we are.

Our company culture is the core of everything we do, and especially how we do it. So we’re using our organisational culture to attract great candidates and embrace our team members’ different international backgrounds, values and focus.

Productive and comfortable

We also actively use our culture to make everyone on the team feel comfortable. – Basically because we can, so why shouldn’t we? And because it helps individuals being productive and delivering the results they use their energy to achieve.

Our highly focused value program also comes into play when we match new hires – and when we sometimes choose to dismiss employees. Culture as a leadership tool contributes to our well-being and makes a huge difference for the business. Every quarter we see unprecedented value-add from our company culture.

Personally, I see six cultural drivers specific to our organisation as key to our achievements:

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1. Differences make us stronger

Our employees come from nearly 10 different countries and cultures. This means that a normal workday contains a wide range of discussions and initiatives. And it provides the breadth and diversity that our customers expect from our solutions and the relationship with us.

That is one of the reasons why we have put together departments and teams with diversity in mind. Everyone is sitting together in large office spaces so we are all exposed to everyday work discussions and activities so it is easy to pick up information and values, and to contribute

2. A welcoming work environment

We deliberately play with office design, decor and colours, so everyone will feel that there is room for them any time. The result is that the typical clinical office space is completely eliminated.
Instead, colours and design provides working spaces for the mood you are in and to create the atmosphere that will help you focus. Everyone has his or her own desk. But you can also find quiet zones to immerse yourself in a task, jump into a room designed for online meetings and phone calls, and a lounge area to meet, hang out and work.

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3. The social element

We don’t have middle managers. Our organisation is flat as a pancake. Members of top management are actively involved in daily operational tasks and also contributing strongly to our social life.
Weekly briefings about the business results, new initiatives, training in new products and processes make for a purposeful culture. Amongst other things we always start and end the week around the high table in our headquarters with other locations participating online.

4. Office dogs give a good feel

In our offices in Copenhagen and London we enjoy the company of cute dogs. Spreading good karma all day they stimulate emotion and add a relaxed and tolerant atmosphere that influences the work environment.

5. Freedom with responsibility

An important principle of our work-life balance is freedom with responsibility. Thus, we encourage a flexible approach to where you work. Whether it’s from one’s home in a part of the country far from our office location, from our London branch, or from a pop-up office in Thailand or Italy, we want to create room for people to work from where he or she returns the most to the company. As long as it provides the best possible work balance, while respecting the overall culture of the team activity.

6. Commitment is your ticket

When you work a lot and dedicate a big part of your life in a workplace, you are part of the journey and should have the opportunity to get a share of the result. To realise this, we allocate up to 10 % of the company’s total share capital to our employees. Why? Because without their commitment, contribution and performance we would not be where we are today!

By now you know that we use our company culture as an active leadership tool. It’s natural for us that our culture is in the centre of everything we do and every decision we make.

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