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Redefining people development: boosting retention through managerial excellence

  • See the latest research and statistics on the causes of employee churn
  • Understand the importance of management training for employee retention
  • Learn how to support better performance management routines that support employees
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Why it matters

Industries worldwide are grappling with a significant challenge: a talent exodus. Retaining top employees has become increasingly challenging as organizations face heightened competition, new hybrid work opportunities, and slowed recruitment.

At the same time, we ask so much of our managers. They need to be leaders, strategists, and friends. They’re the first person an employee will go to with any problem, but they’re also responsible for stakeholder reporting and business outcomes.

It’s no surprise that employees identify poor leadership and management as one of the top reasons for changing jobs. 69% of employees said that bad managers are the number one cause of churn. Meanwhile, L&D professionals say that training future leaders is a top priority. Ultimately, to bring our organizations back on course for success, we need better tools for supporting managers and leadership in increasingly turbulent roles.


of employees want leaders to give them clear goals and objectives

Redefining people development


of L&D professionals rated training future leaders within their organization as a top priority

Redefining people development


of employees said poor leadership and management contributed to their decisions to leave a role

Redefining people development

Helping every manager support their team

Managers matter, they drive the day-to-day experience for every employee in your organization. So it’s essential to have exemplary managerial training in place to ensure you’re doing all you can to keep employees engaged, productive, and happy in their roles.

In this ebook we unpack the data around employee retention and the impact management has on your company culture. We shed light on:

  • Why managers should be your first response to drive employee retention
  • Top causes of employee churn and dissatisfaction
  • The 5 skills that define managerial excellence
  • How to drive better outcomes through management training

Download your copy of the ebook to learn how you can help managers support teams sustainably.