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The people development research report

  • Understand challenges facing people development today
  • Read industry feedback from the global survey of 1500 professionals
  • Access insights on balancing short-term performance with long-term strategy
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Why modern people development is underperforming

New research shows that businesses are facing a tough time meeting both leadership’s expectations and employees’ needs for growth and performance.

We asked over 1,500 business professionals in medium-sized companies about their experiences of people development. Job roles span senior leadership, heads of HR, learning and development leads, and front-line employees.

The report highlights the mismatch between management’s focus on short-term employee performance and the need for long-term strategic alignment in people development. It identifies issues such as inadequate feedback, administrative burdens, and disjointed systems hindering effective implementation.

To address these challenges, businesses must prioritize aligning people development with strategic objectives such as: 

  • Optimizing processes for leaders to balance short-term performance and long-term growth
  • Adopting integrated systems to enhance HR efficiency
  • Investing in long-term employee development for sustained business success

Why it matters

In the data, under a third (32%) of HR professionals use a dedicated system to manage reviews. And what about employees? How easy is it for them to access their performance reviews and track their development?


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can access them via a company- wide HR system

Key takeaways

If you’re having challenges and frustrations with people development in your business, then you’re not alone. Read the report to learn more and understand feedback from your peers in businesses like yours. We share:

  • Common issues business leaders experience trying to balance short-term performance with long-term strategy.
  • Desired outcomes for leaders, employees and the business for people development.
  • Top 3 primary measures of people development and how businesses like yours are measuring the effectiveness of people development today.
  • The importance of feedback and the reality of how this is happening in businesses like yours, including what senior leaders and employees believe is very important in a
  • The biggest roadblocks and barriers to delivering and receiving effective performance management today.
  • Practical hints and tips for how you can renew your people development strategy.