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How to build a skills training strategy

  • Upskill, reskill, and retain your best talent
  • Build consistent organizational knowledge
  • Identify skills gaps across departments
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Why it matters

Having a clear skills-based development strategy is more critical than ever for organizational success. Understanding the skill sets present within your talent pool and identifying potential gaps are essential for driving growth and maintaining competitiveness.


of workers admitted they need to learn new skills within the next year in order to continue their careers.



of businesses say that skills gaps in the local labor market hold back the transformation of their business.

World Economic Forum


of L&D pros say they can show business value by helping employees gain skills to move into different internal roles.


Unlocking full potential with exceptional skills training

The skills training marketplace is quickly becoming the most important focus area for growing organizations. People all over the world are starting to look for more meaningful connections with their work, job fulfillment, and real opportunities for career advancement. This change has shaken up entire job sectors, with a sudden need to rehire, replace, and retrain employees to fill new roles. Meanwhile, the need to train new skills and adapt training on the go has skyrocketed. This growing trend has only intensified with the advent of remote work, digitalized workplaces, and shifting consumer demand.

All this means it’s more important than ever before to have a skills strategy in place for your organization. Understanding what skills you have on hand in your talent pool, and what skills profiles you may be missing, is vital to the success and growth of your organization. Broadly, companies have identified a need for STEM, and technical skills across departments, but at the same time businesses are facing challenges in developing soft skills. In this ebook we’ll unpack:

  • The state of skills training in organizations today 
  • Why organizations need to invest in skills training now for tomorrow’s world 
  • 4 steps to strengthen your business with skills training 
  • The benefits of strategic skills training 
  • The baseline for your own skills training strategy for your organization.  

Read this ebook to learn how to build a skills training strategy including identifying and defining roles, creating a skills map, conducting a skills gap assessment, and building an effective capability academy.