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What is Skills Mapping? Uncover Business Potential

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Discover the hidden potential of your team and apply the right skills for the right role with the help of eloomi’s skill mapping & training.

What is skill mapping, and why use it?

Skill mapping refers to the process of mapping out or assessing skills possessed by the employees in your organization. It helps you understand the cluster of existing skills available in your company and identify the skill set of every individual in your company. 

With skill mapping, you measure the expertise level of the required skills your employees have. It helps you analyze the competency of a particular set of skills with regard to your current project or task requirement.

Skill mapping also helps you evaluate the skill levels of your team members and understand their capabilities, both on an individual level and as a whole. This helps you determine the list of skills to look for while hiring a new candidate, ensuring you make the right decisions on employee training programs for your team.

Skills Matrix Defined

A skills matrix, in simple terms, is a visual representation that describes the abilities of your team and their relevance to your company’s needs. It better helps you understand the actions required to attain your business goals.

The skills matrix can develop and build upon the connection between your business goals and the skills possessed by your team members. Furthermore, it helps you understand what other skills are required in your organization to move forward.

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Benefits of Skill Mapping

Skill mapping is a win-win process, beneficial for both employers and employees. You, as an employer, can understand and create a skills inventory and identify the skills gap to be fulfilled. At the same time, employees can learn and understand their strengths and weaknesses. 

With the help of skills assessment, you can arrive at a data-driven conclusion. Your human resources department can determine which group of individuals require additional training to meet the competency levels for your projects. It also helps build on employee retention programs

Skill mapping is also critical to the hiring and onboarding process. By defining the specific skills required in your team, you can pre-plan and organize training programs to enhance your employee learning.

Pinpoint necessary skills for specific tasks.

The idea behind taking the initiative to create a skill map is to obtain a clear understanding of the technical skills available within your organization. With the help of good skills management software, you can arrange and allocate your resources per your project’s needs. 

Every task has a different requirement and can include soft skills and hard skills. Skill mapping helps you do a real-time data analysis to measure the skill levels within your team. You can easily determine the nature of the skill required to perform a specific task efficiently.

Identify which employees provide the most value to the organization.

The scope of growth widens when you adopt a skills-based hiring approach. The combination of employees’ performance and personal data, together with accurate skill mapping will inform you which of your employees have the critical skills required for the growth of your business

By identifying those high-value individuals, you can make optimum use of their strengths and skill set, put it to the right use and grow your success. 

Reveal skills gaps.

With the help of comprehensive visual data, skill mapping helps you determine the skills available at your company’s disposal and the essential ones that are still missing. By identifying skills gaps, you can also improve your hiring process and strengthen the areas leading to ineffective hiring decisions. 

When you know what skills are missing, you can create a job role specifying the skills requirement and bridge the gap. Organizing training programs is also a great way to develop employee skills and grow your team’s capabilities.

There might be an event with increased demand in human resources or require sudden replacement of an employee. With the skills inventory list in your hand, you can quickly and efficiently find a new candidate that fits the job and fills in the gap.

Read More: 3 Strategies To Build A Skills-Based Organization

Track progress of specific teams and departments.

Different departments and teams in a business may require a different range of skills to operate effectively. With the help of skills management software, in addition to efficient allocation of resources, you can also track the progress of your team’s learning curve.

It helps you understand the nature of specific training required to enhance the skills of your team members. There is a three-fold benefit to progress tracking of employee training. 

  1. It enables you to understand the competency of your employees,
  2. You can allocate resources for higher levels of training and
  3. You can ensure the growth of your employees and your company.

Grow and remain competitive in the market.

Constant learning and growth are essential to stay up to speed in today’s competitive market. Proper mapping of skills points you in a specific direction towards which your team needs to work together to stay in the game.

With detailed insight into your team’s abilities and requirements, you can make informed decisions, and take up bigger and more challenging projects confidently when you know where your team stands.

Why eloomi is the future of skills training

The maximum potential of a business is unlocked when a firm’s HR professionals know the right skills are applied in the right places. Skill mapping can be a great starting point for you to tap into your team’s full potential and ultimately expand the scope of development for your business.

With the help of a competency matrix on the important skills of your employees, you also help your employees learn and grow on a personal level which forms a stronger and loyal set of team members.

eloomi Skills offers intuitive skill mapping for every type and size of business. Overcome the weaknesses and strengthen your team’s capabilities with the help of a learning experience platform to increase the skill level of your employees and connect with relevant training programs.

Start today and map the skills of your employees for business success.

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