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How Our New Investment Future Proofs the HR Industry

eloomi helps companies deliver growth, engagement and productivity across the entire employee journey to help remove HR pains and to better future proof HR professionals who, in turn, work to deliver people strategies.

After already being recognised by industry leaders and serving hundreds of companies across industries, we can now move into the next phase of future proofing the HR industry.
Last week, we were excited to share the news about eloomi’s USD double-digit investment funding, led by Kennet Partners. This funding will help achieve further innovation, growth and expansion by helping us further pursue and bring to life an ambitious and innovative road map.

At Kennet, we love businesses that solve real problems, create value and lead their market. eloomi is doing just that for its clients and their employees.

Hillel Zidel, Managing Director at Kennet Partners

Past, present & future

Over the past few years, we have built a customer base across various industries and countries. Month after month, we welcome companies like Savills, Sophos, Lyreco, Telmore, Icelandair Group. These organisations are trusting their employee experience to eloomi & for that, we are very thankful. Since working together with our customers is in our DNA and isone of the keys to our success, we are invested in the partnership as a key driver to see our customers succeed. In eloomi, you get a partnership – not a provider.  Our Customer Success teams leverage their international experiences from various industries to help HR professionals and are exceptional at listening to and understanding their current realities to quickly help them to value creation.

We don’t only help our customers cultivate an employee experience with their employees, we also apply it to our own team. New funding will help us welcome 150 new colleagues into our Danish and UK offices as well as branch out into the US market. These new eloominizers will help us continue to deliver great experiences to our existing, and growing, amount of new customers who become a part of the eloomi family monthly.

Artificial intelligence to help retain talent

The funding will also be an investment in artificial intelligence, which eloomi CEO & Founder Claus Johansen has expressed his great expectations for to Dagbladet Børsen.

Everyone knows they have to work with these things. But how do you make it smarter with fewer resources? You don’t just get three, five or 10 more employees in an HR department, even though you think it’s important. Therefore, we must use the technology to help.
We are working to create a system where the computer’s artificial intelligence and other elements can scan the company and then tell how to work with the behaviour of the company. A true game-changer.

It’s all about finding data so that you can work with it to help HR employees get time for quality interviews and conversations.

Access to HR innovation

Anchored in and born out of innovation, eloomi customers experience a constant and dynamic track of new features and functionalities designed to get them more impact with less effort.
Many of the best eloomi innovations have been co-created with our customers since they all often have very similar pains and needs.

Solving real HR problems

HR-Professionals and L&D managers long for more efficient ways to engage and interact with their diverse workforce. This is why we provide the needed flexibility and agility to enable easy access to feedback, implement changes within hours or days and create clarity and insights quicker on how to grow and maintain talents. eloomi is designed to solve HR pains & challenges across the entire employee journey from onboarding to employee engagement and job role execution, all in one solution.

Re-skilling & up-skilling is one of the top priorities for organisations today. eloomi plays a key role for our customers in preparing their workforce for the 4th industrial revolution by offering them a base foundation of training content. This helps drive a real learning culture to close the skills and knowledges GAP’s, whether it be organisationally or for personal development.
IT and HR compliance & awareness training is also a topic that is constantly in demand. With the help of our content providers, our customers can now solve this hurdle and the renewal process becomes automated for the next necessary training. Distribution of the reporting to stakeholders can also be automated and set to renew. All of these steps are to save time and resources in order to increase productivity.

Meaningful & flexible performance feedback

The real strength of eloomi is how learning and performance can be combined, as it has never been done before, to ensure the entire employee journey is successful and meaningful. By building a new employee journey experience, our customers are much better prepared for the new workforce reality. Companies today are needing to cater to 4+ generations and rapidly increasing employee turnover. By smartly connecting learning with coaching and feedback, our customers are in a much better position to impact how they attract, retain and develop talents.

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