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90% of HR Professionals Aren’t Spending Their Time Efficiently

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During the eloomi Reality Report 2019, we discovered that 92% of all HR professionals focus their time on operational tasks preventing them from helping increase employee engagement, motivation and productivity, as well as reducing employee turnover and developing people.

The question is, why? What demands are HR departments facing that is causing them to spend their time inefficiently?

What are the growing demands for HR professionals

There are high demands for HR regarding increased focus on the new generations, who are now in the labour market. These new generations expect a lot more individualised development and are not satisfied with being treated as part of the group.

Today, the traditional HR disciplines are facing a challenge, and employees are not satisfied with the ongoing 1: 1 or performance assessments without real and immediate effect. At the same time, managers do not have many chances to help their employees with useful feedback, motivation and commitment, as they do not know how to do it and are not guided optimally by HR.

What others now do to tackle & solve this problem

Todays capable HR professionals know that they need to change gears, but they also know that they cannot necessarily access new resources. The lack of resources is what causes them to remain purely operational. This constant circle needs to break once and for all.

Since switching to eloomi, our customers have begun to focus more on automating data collection, creating guides on how to treat each individual, and no longer look for talent based on performance. They have also stopped finding critical areas based on gaps and instead started looking at people’s strengths. eloomi customers realised that purchasing new point solution tools made their business more complicated and switched to eloomi because it is a focus tool that helps the employee experience throughout the company.


Ready to experience how other HR colleagues have also solved these pains by adding the eloomi solution into their performance plans? 

Begin a conversation today to see how simple and useful it is to get an employee experience solution running in your company.

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