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How to use AI at work: understand the risks and rewards

Helen Jones Avatar


AI can help businesses boost efficiency, but it’s important to be aware of the risks. Businesses should carefully plan and implement AI systems, prioritize data security, and train employees. Let’s dive into how to use AI to boost efficiency at work.

What if someone told you that all of your employees could be more productive, instantly, with no needed training or investment You’d probably have your doubts. And you’d be right to do so.

The rush to understand how to use AI tools has pulled the rug from under HR, compliance officers, and operations teams alike. Your employees are already using AI tools like ChatGPT in the office, and with policymakers lagging behind the pace of AI development, it’s essential that you understand how to use AI at work, from the risks to the benefits of AI, and set best-practice policies to ensure safe use.

Our goal is not only to inspire but to challenge you to consider how AI training can be integrated into your business and how to ensure that everyone comprehends the world we’re moving toward.

Is ChatGPT Safe? Understand the Risks of AI in the Workplace

Picture this: you have an important presentation on a department restructure due tomorrow and not enough time to get through it alone, so you decide to use an NLP to help you out. First, you want a savvy statistic to engage your audience, so you ask the chat processor to find you some stats from around the web about the importance of departmental collaboration.

Next, you need some help interpreting the data, so you paste in some charts and ask the bot to highlight patterns and draw conclusions. Then, you put the final touches on the presentation by generating neat single sentence descriptions of each new department area. Incredibly easy, isn’t it?

Here’s the problem. Using AI tools without considering compliance procedures is a surefire way to expose your business to the risk of fines and penalties. In this example, we’ve seen a breach of data privacy, plagiarism, reliance on misguided statistics, and sharing sensitive organizational data.

Of course, every use of AI at work won’t look like our example above, but this case underlines the risks involved when using AI without due consideration. If you’re looking to raise awareness around best-practice procedure for AI at work, consider sharing the following key areas:

Security Risks: AI can be vulnerable to attacks, including cybersecurity attacks on machine learning models, which can lead to incorrect decisions or outcomes. AI systems also introduce new attack vectors that need to be protected against.

Privacy Concerns: AI systems often process large amounts of personal and sensitive data. Mishandling or data breaches can lead to privacy violations and loss of trust among employees.

Regulatory and Compliance Challenges: Companies must navigate evolving compliance regulations related to AI use, which can vary by jurisdiction. Non-compliance can result in legal and financial consequences.

It’s important to keep these risks in mind when setting procedures for the use of AI at work. Our recommendation is to explore dedicated AI training courses to ensure your employees have the knowledge needed to use AI while following compliance regulations. Meanwhile, let’s not forget the very real benefits of adopting AI into your workflows that can help us set an AI best-practice.

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How to Use AI at Work: 4 Ways to Boost Efficiency

AI isn’t all about risks. In fact, understanding when to use AI, and how to use it, offers you a strategic advantage in maximizing workplace efficiency and output. So, to give you a head start ahead of official AI training and certifications, here are five ways you can use AI to boost productivity at work.

  1. Automated Data Analysis and Insights

Use AI-powered analytics tools to analyze large datasets quickly. AI algorithms can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making. Just think first before sharing any old data with the bot, and always seek internal permission when in doubt.

  1. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Implement AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants to handle routine customer queries, IT support, or HR inquiries. These AI systems can provide instant responses, freeing up human employees for more complex tasks.

  1. Employee Productivity and Engagement

Utilize AI tools to enhance employee productivity and engagement. AI-driven project management software can optimize task allocation and scheduling, while Skills solutions can offer tailored upskilling and reskilling recommendations to drive employee motivation and engagement.

  1. Training and Development:

AI can recommend personalized learning paths for employees, suggesting relevant courses and training materials based on their job roles and career goals, benefiting both employees, managers and HR in supporting meaningful talent development programs.

Establish AI Best Practice with Artificial Intelligence Training

While AI offers numerous benefits in the workplace, such as increased efficiency and automation, there are also several risks and challenges associated with AI at work. To mitigate these risks, organizations should carefully plan and implement AI systems, prioritize data privacy and security, and provide training and support to employees.

If we’ve helped you rethink the business case for AI training today, consider our top AI courses to train employees in how to use artificial intelligence at work, or get in touch with our content specialists to explore tailored compliance training options.

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Helen Jones Avatar
Content Marketing Manager

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