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Find the best free LMS to start developing your employees

Claudia Domenici Avatar


We are proud to present eloomi Infinite, the most innovative and intuitive free LMS to create content and improve your employees’ skills. An easy-to-use platform that motivates people every day while supporting business goals and employees career development.  

More than just a tool 

You saw this word everywhere, in blog posts, websites, HR forums and social media. What LMS stands for is ‘learning management system’, and it reflects a way of working more than just a tool.   

When you introduce e-learning in your organisation, you empower all your employees and significantly increase your business’s growth.   

A learning management system also implements awareness and compliance within your company, as well as employee retention. In other words, having an LMS improves job satisfaction in the long term. 

Not bad, right?   

An LMS is the best place to share knowledge and offer continuous development to your employees.  

When you start using a free learning management system, you’ll realise how to manage multiple working processes faster and smarter.      

The platform takes care of hosting data, distributing training, and assessing courses to employees. Thus, each person will have access to both mandatory and optional learning modules.   

In addition, an online free LMS informs all users through automated notifications to meet deadlines and get updates.      

An LMS is designed to keep content and track progress in one place. This allows managers and employees to monitor their learning progress and evaluation. 

Six reasons to get a free LMS 

So, why does my company need an LMS?   

If you ask this question, you’re in the right place. A learning management system is the most-needed software for your organisation and your employees.

The primary reason is to save a lot of time and money! But you will be surprised by the other advantages of LMS.  

Here are a few of the benefits you can gain from great learning management software:

  1. Upskill and reskill - your employees’ knowledge and skills can be expanded with great tailored content. With eloomi, you can upskill and reskill your team with mandatory or optional training, and you can improve soft skills or ensure product updates. The possibilities are infinite when we talk about learning!  
  2. Compliance – you can easily implement compliance within your organisation and ensure that your employees are confident and aware of the company’s policies and health & safety rules. Cybersecurity should also be your top priority.  
  3. Employee retention - having your employees engaged and stimulated with unique content and new learning opportunities is the best medicine that your company can get. That explains how a free content builder can do magic.  
  4. Feedback culture – at eloomi, we are proud of promoting and enabling transparency with continuous feedback. When you create learning content, you help your team develop critical thinking and clear communication. Don’t wait for the annual reviews; start now with eloomi infinite.  
  5. Onboarding – a brilliant idea is to engage your new hires from the first moment they start with their new role. Day one is crucial, but the first week is the key. Don’t you agree that true excitement always starts from the first steps of an incredible journey? Here you can read more about creating a great onboarding process.  
  6. Motivation– with a free LMS, you can spark your colleagues without spending a cent. Motivation can be found in many things in life, but we can lose it at work after the first period. Continuous training designed for each employee can keep it and reinforce it 

Your house, your rules   

If you have a free coupon from your favourite store or online shop, you’ll be the one deciding what to buy. Something that fits you and reflects your style.

If you have a highly customisable and free LMS, you can do exactly the same with a learning program!

That’s why eloomi infinite is perfect to start creating a fantastic learning experience that mirrors your company culture.  

You can add the content that resonates with your organisation’s values while using different formats.

This innovative platform allows you to play with diverse learning content like videos, podcasts, survey, or PDFs.  

Once you start using an easy-to-use, free LMS, it quickly becomes your own learning platform, and you can easily design it as you prefer.  Make it yours.  

Who needs a free LMS?  

Everyone. It’s a simple question. But let me explain better.

A free learning management system is one of the best things every company can have right now. It works for both small organisations and big ones. 

It’s an empowering and transparent solution to track and motivate people.   

If yourlearning is not organised in one place with easy access, your employees will prefer running a marathon rather than begin a course for skill development or test their knowledge.

Besides, if you don’t check their progress, you can’t value the training outcomes and assign more courses.   

More than this, you should consider two scenarios.  

One regards compliance and training standards. With an LMS for free, you can be sure that your employees are safe and confident about regulations and procedures, especially in the manufacturing and healthcare sectors.   

The second aspect to consider for having an LMS is sharing knowledge and engaging remote workers. Needless to say, how much this one is needed now.   

Simple to use, easy to develop

I know what you’re thinking. Developers promoting easy to use software don’t get all  the difficulties and pains of companies. I understand but let me say something.

Every time we postpone a new change, we lose  great opportunities and exciting outcomes.

eloomi Infinite is a free LMS with simple functionality and intuitive design. 

You create and add content so your employees can easily access and learn at their own pace.  

So, why are you waiting? Try it out! 

At eloomi, we always listen carefully to our customers and  support companies’ growth. We aim to empower employees and simplify work procedures like onboarding, performance appraisal and much more.   

Start with the right foot

As part of eloomi, Infinite supports you during the initial steps of the employee onboarding and training program. It’s important to start with the right foot to create the best future results.

A free LMS guarantees you a transparent structure to follow from the beginning.

eloomi Infinite is the ideal solution to combine different training styles. 

For example, according to your employees’ preferences, you can set longer or shorter learning experiences.  If one team needs a dynamic and quick update on the new company strategy, you can make videos and podcasts to share the main changes.

But if another team requires more time to develop a particular skill or raise awareness on diversity, then you can create longer courses with more resources available for deep-dive learning.   

When you have a customisable and easy learning management system, you don’t have to limit your ideas. 

You can choose microlearning or advanced training sessions, add multiple elements like videos or audio files. The main question will be ‘what works best for your employees’?

You know the answer!   


Expand your horizons   

When choosing eloomi Infinite, you can also engage and train outside your company. Yes, you can finally do this with a simple and free LMS.   

Large and medium organisations often need to train multiple audiences such as dealers, suppliers, and partners to support their business.

So, it’s vital to deliver professional coaching, product training, and much more. In this way, your external customers will have enough knowledge to be compliant and respond to their work’s various needs.   

 An LMS like eloomi Infinite allows you to help external partners worldwide with a simple online software that can ensure a common strategy with full compliance.   

So, instead of spending energy and budget for on-site training, you can create different learning formats to engage and inform your stakeholders.   

Bring your customers to another level with an easy-to-use online solution!   

Get your free LMS experience today!

You can sign up now and create your own platform with our new eloomi free course builder.

Start by exploring your options and following simple steps!  

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Claudia Domenici Avatar
Content & Partner Marketing Manager

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