LMS for manufacturing companies

Deliver on-the-job training to your workers, whether they’re on the factory floor or offsite, with an all-in-one LMS for the manufacturing industry.

Supporting hundreds of companies worldwide to deliver great learning and development experiences

Manufacturing training

Simplify compliance and upskill teams with eloomi’s learning platform

File, Webpage, Person
Adult, Female, Person

Compliance management

Comprehensive training in critical areas

  • Easily deliver training to your workers, whether they’re onsite or on the go
  • Track completion and monitor training paricipation with automated deadlines and reminders
  • Reduce risk and improve overall operational efficiency with easy-to-manage compliance training that is kept up-to-date with the latest indsutry changes

“I believe that the learning experience has become more motivating and engaging since we started using eloomi.”

Athena R. Júlíusdóttir

HR Consultant Business Partner

Supplying material for specialized manufacturing training

Protect your workers and prevent injuries with courses designed to minimize risks and maintain a safe work environment.

Clothing, Hardhat, Helmet

Workplace Safety

Introduce the foundations of workplace safety and protect onsite workers. From understanding common safety hazards to learning proper equipment handling techniques, our training modules are designed to minimize risks and establish correct response procedures.

Cylinder, Ammunition, Grenade

Fire Prevention

Learn how to prevent fires in the workplace, respond & evacuate in the case of a fire. Reduce downtime caused by fire incidents and maintain compliance with local fire safety regulations through consistent, accessible training.

Third-Party Compliance

Cover the building blocks of third party (business partner) compliance training with eloomi’s LMS for manufacturing. Use automated reminders and tracking tools to verify that all third-party stakeholders complete their training, reducing risks and demonstrating operational accountability.

Easy to access training

Accessible training across any location

  • Reach every worker with training that’s accessible on mobile and desktop
  • Save time and scrap complicated processes with the easiest-to-use training platform on the market
  • Access pre-built training for manufacturing workers, available in 14 languages

Resources for construction &
manufacturing training


Effortlessly connect HRM software

Connect all of your HRIS tools at the click of a button & create a seamless user experience with eloomi SSO & integrations.

Mobile App

Tap into development on any device

Access all learning and performance feedback conversations from anywhere with the lightning-fast mobile app.


Why is an LMS important for manufacturing businesses?
Can an LMS for manufacturing help with compliance?
Is eloomi a cloud LMS?
How does eloomi make training accessible across locations?
Does the eloomi LMS support professional development as well as onboarding?
What languages does the eloomi platform support?

eloomi is available in 14 languages, including: English (UK/US), French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Icelandic, Russian, and Chinese.

Do you have more questions?

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let’s have a chat!