Ethics & compliance LMS
course collection
Quality assured
Ensure relevant and engaging training with quality assured courses sourced from top providers. Designed for a seamless learning experience
Curated by experts
Rest easy with training curated by our network of global content providers, ensuring your content is up to date, relevant and high quality
Location specific
Cover local compliance regulations and mandatory training with eithics & compliance LMS courses specific to US, UK and EU requirements
Topic areas covered

Business & ethics
Foster a strong business and prevent unethical behavior with ethics and compliance LMS training
- “>Conflict of Interest
- Social media ethics/conduct
- Human Trafficking
- Whistleblowing
- Workplace ethics
- ESG fundamentals
- Consumer Protection (EU/UK only)
- Modern Slavery (EU/UK only)
- “>Anti-Money Laundering
- Anti-Bribery & Corruption
- Antitrust
- Code of Conduct
- Wage & Hour Laws
- Intellectual Property
- Competition Law (EU/UK only)
- Freedom of information (EU/UK only)
- FCA Conduct (EU/UK only)
- Criminal Finances Act (EU/UK only)
- Employment law (EU/UK only)
- Fraud & Integrity
- Remote & Hybrid Working
- Confidential Information
- Confidential Information
- Integrity (EU/UK only)

Respectful workplace
Promote DEI workplace practices and foster a safe and supportive work environment
Respect & Bias
- “>Unconscious Bias
- Ethical Leadership & Management
- Neurodiversity
- Generations in the workplace
- Gender bias
- Respect in the workplace
- Supporting domestic abuse victims
Diversity, Equity & inclusion
- “>Diversity & Inclusion
- Disability Protections in the Workplace
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- Being an Ally
- Transgender awareness
- Inclusive communication
Workplace Misconduct
- “>Preventing Workplace Harassment
- Sexual Harassment prevention
- Abusive Conduct & Bullying
- Workplace Violence
- Drug & Alcohol Awareness
- Bystander intervention

Health, safety & wellbeing
Comply with workplace safety regulations and ethics and compliance LMS essentials
Hazard Prevention
- “>Active Shooter
- Accidents in the workplace
- Slips, trips, and falls
- Manual Handling
- Fire Prevention
- Electrical Safety
- Vehicle Safety
- RIDDOR (UK only)
Workplace Safety
- “>Workplace Safety
- Office Safety
- Ergonomics
- Hygiene
- First Aid
Mental Health & Wellbeing
- “>Mental health
- Mindfulness
- Positive habits
- Stress management
- Women’s health
- Psychological Safety

Data & cybersecurity
Protect your organization’s data with data privacy training and cybersecurity fundamentals
Data Protection
- “>Data Privacy
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Viruses & Malware
- Phishing
- Social Engineering
Cyber Security
- “>Information Security
- Data Security
- Cybersecurity basics
- Cyber & Supply Chain Risk
- AI Cybercrime
- Cybercrime
- Remote working risks
Data Protection
- “>Intellectual Property Rights
- Viruses & Malware
- Phishing
- Social Engineering
- Data Privacy
Cyber Security
- “>Information Security
- Data Security
- Cybersecurity basics
- AI Cybercrime
- Cybercrime
- Cyber & Supply Chain Risk
- Remote working risks
25 course collection
Access dedicated course collections
- Dedicated training on key topics
- US, UK and EU specific to local regulations and requirements
- Coverage on all essential training
- Speedy set up and launch
- Updated and curated
- Supported by content experts to reinforce your L&D strategy
All access
Access the full content library
- Industry-specific training content
- Relevant and trending topics from AI training to ESG strategies
- Flexible to your training needs
- Multiple languages available
- Updated and curated
- Supported by content experts to reinforce your L&D strategy
Access learning today
Training for any topic, industry or skill
Cover essential training with dedicated 25 course collections on key topics. Or subscribe for access to our entire course library curated and updated with the latest topics in L&D.