Business essentials
course collection

Quality assured

Ensure relevant and engaging training with quality assured courses sourced from top providers. Designed for a seamless learning experience

Curated by experts

Rest easy with training curated by our network of global content providers, ensuring your content is up to date, relevant and high quality

Location specific

Cover local compliance regulations and mandatory training with dedicated, expert-curated, courses specific to US, UK and EU requirements

Topic areas covered

Management & Leadership

Engage and develop your leaders

People Management
  • Managing a virtual team
  • People management
  • Coaching and mentoring 
  • Delegation 
  • Conflict Management
  • Giving & Receiving Feedback
  • New and multi-generational management
Inspiring Leadership
  • Leadership effectiveness
  • Motivation
  • Inspiring others
  • Negotiation and influence
Leadership Strategies
  • Change Management
  • Management vs Leadership
  • Leadership Theories
  • Creating Culture

Professional Skills

Strengthen the functional roles within your business

Business Skills
  • Economics 
  • Business Sustainability
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Finance basics
  • HR Basics
Role Specific
  • Contract management
  • Project Management
  • Risk management
  • Sales
  • Customer Service/experience
Professional Development
  • Budgeting
  • Marketing Concepts
  • Career Planning & Development

Productivity & Collaboration

Gain transferable skills to accelerate performance

Personal Development
  • Accomplishing Goals
  • Decision Making
  • Motivation 
  • Creative Thinking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Learning
  • Self Awareness
  • Positive habits
Workplace Safety
  • Written Communication
  • Verbal communication
  • Training Delivery & Facilitation 
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Giving & Receiving Feedback 
  • Empathy 
  • Active Listening
Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Time Management
  • Productivity tools – Microsoft
  • Teamwork

AI & Digital Transformation

Harness and adapt to an ever-evolving digital landscape

AI Basics
  • Generative Artificial Intelligence
  • Human Skills in AI
  • Ethics and Risks of AI
  • Benefits of AI
  • Mastering the basics (ChatGPT etc)
Digital Change Management
  • Remote Change Management
  • Championing Change
Digital Transformation
  • Innovation 
  • Digital Literacy 
  • Leading Digital Transformation

25 course collection

Access dedicated course collections

  • Dedicated training on key topics
  • US, UK and EU specific to local regulations and requirements
  • Coverage on all essential training
  • Speedy set up and launch
  • Updated and curated
  • Supported by content experts to reinforce your L&D strategy

All access

Access the full content library

  • Industry-specific training content
  • Relevant and trending topics from AI training to ESG strategies
  • Flexible to your training needs
  • Multiple languages available
  • Updated and curated
  • Supported by content experts to reinforce your L&D strategy

Access learning today

Training for any topic, industry or skill

Cover essential training with dedicated 25 course collections on key topics. Or subscribe for access to our entire course library curated and updated with the latest topics in L&D.