Supporting you at each step
Get instant access to the platform, for your team to ramp up faster, and save money while boosting productivity.

Take your business to new heights
- We focus on your thriving future and help you achieve daily milestones
- Scale at your speed with continuous support from our CS team
- With eloomi, you can set high expectations and build better workplaces
A top-notch customer experience
- We offer a skilled service with in-app onboarding, and quick access to product experts via our live chat
- 94.5% of customers are happy or extremely happy after talking to our support
- With 25+ nationalities & multiple locations, we’re there in your time zone & local language

Built to engage
- Our product is out of the box, seamless, & simple. Everyone can use it
- Customers can get started instantly and focus on immediate growth
- Solve all HR challenges while fostering a robust and diverse learning culture
- We take time to say thank you to our colleagues, support growth, and appreciate work well done

“Our employees found this to be a much better way to complete their training”

Tammy Jaqua, HRIS Manager
Mountain High