Our promise to you
Corporate social responsibility

A word from our CEO
At eloomi we care deeply about the environment, supporting human rights, and giving back.
At eloomi, our commitment to ESG guides our responsible actions at corporate, individual, societal, and environmental levels. Our transparent policies ensure that critical areas of responsibility are shared goals that we collectively work towards.
Achievements in 2024

Aligned to Global

Carbon Neutral


Waste Recycling

CPH Office Running On
100% Renewable Energy

Red Cross
Initiative Support

We support the Red Cross
We’re proud of our support and collaboration with the Red Cross. As individuals and as a team we contribute to making a difference for people when crisis strikes.
Last year, our office recycling scheme helped provide clean drinking water, with 6,000 liters generated for every bag of bottles saved.
Reducing our carbon footprint
We recognize the rising urgency of environmental issues from climate change to food and water scarcity – as well as their connections to social and development priorities.
We are committed to move beyond traditional approaches and actively address environmental risks. Last year, we further reduced our CO2 output by 70.2%* and we are 80% lower than the average for office companies globally.
*Calculated by using DEFRA and other internationally recognized metrics.
Our focus is on:
- Leveraging new technologies to manage energy
- Waste management: Reducing, Recycling & Composting
- Going digital to mitigate environmental impact
- Saving carbon by reducing unnecessary travel, including remote and hybrid working concepts
- We encourage public transport, cycling, or walking to our hubs/offices

Aligned to UN Global Compact
The worlds corporate sustainability initiative, eloomi supports the UN Global Compact program and aligns to the UN Global Compact 10 principles.
- Our business supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
- We make sure that we are not complicit in human rights abuses
- Our business shall uphold the freedom of association
- We support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
- We support the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
- We encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
- We support the effective abolition of child labour
- Our business supports a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
- We undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental challenges
- We work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

Our charitable donation program
Eloominizers care about our local communities and creating an impact. Each year, our eloominizers receive a full day for paid volunteer time off.
Every year around the holidays in December, eloomi donates to a charity voted for by eloomi employees. In 2023 the donation from eloomi was given to Save the Children Fund.
ESG future goals
Everyone and every company can always do better, and we aim to take on more initiatives including:
- Standardized ESG reporting techniques
- Taps for both sparkling water and coffee to reduce both waste and water use (installed in 2024)
- Increase DEI initiatives and transparency
- Pension scheme (launching in Q4 of 2024)
- Whistleblower policy (launched in 2024)
- New ways to offset carbon emissions when travel occurs
What we will continue to be committed to:
- Global compact active level with each new year
- Work engagement monitoring
- 100% training compliance
- Only-necessary travel
- Charitable donation program
- Volunteer paid time off
- Sustaining our paper-free office and recycling programs
Robust recycling
How we handle recycling at the Copenhagen Hub
To achieve 100% recycled waste at the eloomi hub we repurpose our reusable electronics and meticulously sort and dispose of waste accordingly including:
- Wood
- Hard and soft plastic
- Cardboard
- Light sources
- Batteries
- Electronic equipment
- Glass
- Hazardous waste
- Composting food waste
- Reusing & repairing employee laptops
- Metal
- Toner
- Toner

Diversity is key
Diversity at eloomi is important for our success, as well as contributions to a more innovative work environment and support for our surrounding community.
Our ambitions are huge, aspiring to expand our current number of 35 nationalities and achieve complete gender equality and representation.
Furthermore, we are in the process of redefining our diversity markers, whereby our focus extends beyond numerical metrics, creating an environment where every individual’s unique background, experiences, and perspectives are acknowledged and celebrated. Example of programs and initiatives to support this:
- L&D programs, for individual developing
- “The circle” initiative for more female in leadership
- DEI initiatives, as Annual gathering in Copenhagen, for collaboration, innovation and individual involvement.
One eloomi
ESG is not just about checking boxes for us. Our commitment to ESG principles is underscored by our dedication to sustainable growth and continuous improvement, no matter the circumstances so we can continue building a future that we’re proud of.
As our global workforce expands, and our responsibilities and opportunities also evolve, we’ll remain committed to regularly reassess our ESG initiatives, adapt, and advance our environmental, social, and governance goals.