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Embrace continuous learning with eloomi

Danielle Rigby Avatar


Following Learning at Work Week, eloomi emphasizes the timeless importance of continuous learning, extending beyond a yearly occasion. Recognizing its key benefits, including enhanced innovation and better staff retention, eloomi promotes a culture of lifelong learning. By prioritizing essential skills such as creative thinking and adaptability, organizations can foster lasting growth.

So, Learning at Work Week is over—there’s a year to go until we promote learning again, right? Wrong! Here at eloomi, we believe in continuous learning because learning isn’t just for one week, it’s for life! So why not use the idea of the power of learning and power skills to propel your organisation forward when it comes to enhancing the skills our modern workplaces rely upon.

Continuous learning shouldn’t be a one-time opportunity in our work life. Research from the World Economic Forum shows that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development. This statistic underscores the importance of ongoing learning initiatives like Learning at Work Week. However, learning should be ingrained in the organization’s culture, not limited to specific events.

The strategic value of continuous learning

Investing in continuous learning pays dividends. According to a study by LinkedIn, companies with strong learning cultures are 92% more likely to innovate, 52% more productive, and 46% more likely to be first to market with new products and services. Take, for example, tech giants like Google and Apple, known for their commitment to employee development. These companies consistently outperform competitors due to their emphasis on continuous learning.

Benefits of continuous learning

  • Increased Innovation: Companies that cultivate strong learning cultures are better positioned to drive innovation. Embrace continuous learning to stay ahead of the curve and drive innovation within your organization.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Organizations with strong learning cultures are 52% more productive. By investing in continuous learning, you can boost productivity and achieve better results.
  • Quicker Adaptation: In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability is key. Continuous learning enables your team to adapt quickly to new technologies, market trends, and customer preferences.
  • Competitive Edge: Companies that prioritize continuous learning are more likely to lead in introducing novel products and services. Stay competitive by continuously developing the skills and knowledge of your workforce.
  • Improved Employee Retention: According to LinkedIn, a staggering 94% of employees express their inclination to stay longer at companies that invest in their professional development. Invest in continuous learning to retain top talent and build a loyal workforce.
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The importance of power skills

The role of creative thinking

We’ve already highlighted how creative thinking is vital in our rapidly changing world. This skill helps us analyze information, challenge assumptions, and make better decisions. By continuing to develop creative thinking, we can adapt, grow, and thrive in any environment.

Enhancing analytical judgement

As we discussed, analytical judgment goes beyond working with numbers; it’s about gaining insights and making informed decisions. This skill turns data into actionable insights, driving innovation and success. Keep fostering analytical judgment to empower your team to see the big picture and find effective solutions.

Understanding the power of adaptability today

We emphasized the importance of adaptability in navigating constant change. Adaptability helps us welcome new experiences, turn challenges into opportunities, and maintain resilience. Continue to cultivate adaptability to ensure your team can confidently navigate any situation.

Digital intelligence: a must-have skill

Digital Intelligence is crucial in the modern workplace, from basic digital literacy to advanced data analysis. This skill enables us to use technology effectively to achieve goals and solve problems. By continually enhancing digital intelligence, your team can stay competitive and innovative.

Social influence to drive positive change

We’ve discussed how social influence builds meaningful connections and drives positive change. This skill helps us motivate others, foster teamwork, and enhance performance. Keep developing social influence to create a collaborative and inspiring work environment.

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How eloomi supports continuous learning

Thank you to everyone who participated in Learning at Work Week. Let’s commit to continuous learning and mastering essential skills. Learning isn’t just for one week – it’s a lifelong journey. Embrace this journey with eloomi and equip your teams with the skills they need to thrive.

Remember, we still have an offer running to access the above Top 5 power skills courses for the remainder of the week (until Friday 24th). Take the first step towards ongoing growth and success!

Interested in exploring more learning content? Discover our comprehensive library of 85,000 courses, tailored to unleash your team’s full potential. Our platform offers access to carefully curated content from global experts, from essential compliance training to specialized industry skills. Check it out today.

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